Cost and FAQs
We believe this 9-month learning and growing experience in a small group setting will be transformational for you. We also are working hard to make it affordable for you. And so...
All of our staff are missionary supported
Your work on the farm and for the camp is designed to help defray some of the program costs
We are thankful for the generous kingdom investment of the body of Christ that allows us to keep student costs low
Planted Cost
Tuition and Books - $5,100
Room and Board - $4,450
Student Trips - $2,700
Student Activity Fee - $250
Total Cost of Planted - $12,500
You can help us keep Planted affordable by becoming a monthly supporter of this ministry or contributing toward additional scholarship funds. Please visit the Giving page.
Want to reduce your cost further?
Bring a friend to Planted - Both you and the student you recommend to Planted each save $500.
Early decision - We waive your student activity fee when you pay your deposit by May 1st.
Ask about a scholarship - We don't want cost to be what stops you from coming. Some churches and individuals contribute specifically toward student scholarships.

What other costs I should be aware of? The cost above covers basically all the costs of the 9-month program. Students will be responsible for having basic outdoor gear and a list of required books. Donated gear or books may be available.
Can I earn college credit at Planted? Yes, graduates of Planted can earn 26 credits from Boyce College in Louisville, Kentucky, at no additional cost! We are currently in conversations with a handful of schools with the hope of expanding the number of colleges that will award transfer credit to Planted students. Contact david@plantedgapyear.org for more information about this.
Can students at Planted receive federal financial aid or student loans? No, because Planted is not formally accredited, students are not eligible for federal financial aid.
Are there any scholarships available? Making a year at Planted affordable for students and families is very important to us, and so we raise separate funds specifically for scholarships. A student may apply for a scholarship after being accepted to the program. Similar to staff at Planted, students may also raise support from friends and family to help cover Planted's cost or seek sponsorship from their local church for this year of training, equipping, and service.
Can I bring a vehicle to Planted? Yes, having a car is helpful for getting involved in the life and ministry of your local church as well as exploring the Wellsboro area during free time. Having a vehicle is not required.
Can I bring an instrument? Please do! There are plenty of opportunities for students to worship together through music.
How many hours a week will we be working? Work time is divided between daily chores (on the farm or making breakfast), weekly chores (cleaning your cabin and common areas), and weekly work areas (either camp, farm, or kitchen). Students should expect to spend about 12-15 hours per week working. When combined with classes, reading and assignments, trips, and ministry in their local church, students will not have time for additional work off campus.
What about communication with friends and family during the program? Students can use their laptops (or good old fashioned letter writing!) to communicate with loved ones. In order to help the you be present and engaged in the program, you'll only have access to your cell phones on weekends.
How long does the program last and what are the dates? The 9-month program runs from late August to mid-May. Contact David at david@plantedgapyear.org for specific dates.
Are there any breaks? Yes, there are short breaks. Half a week for Thanksgiving and Easter and a longer break, about a month, for Christmas / between semesters.
Can students stay on-site during any of the breaks? Students are welcome to stay on-site for the shorter breaks, especially those who are traveling a long distance. All students go home over Christmas break. If this is especially challenging for some reason, we can discuss different options.
What makes Planted different from other Christian gap year/Bible school programs?
In many ways, we have similar goals to other Christian gap year / Bible school programs whose mission is primarily centered around discipleship. What sets us apart is our approach to integrate creation into discipleship as much as possible. We believe that God is a God who speaks, and therefore we must listen. He speaks and reveals Himself through creation (Romans 1, Psalm 119: general revelation) and through His Scripture (special revelation). Through experiential learning on the farm, through outdoor adventures, and through life-skill development opportunities, we integrate discipleship in all areas of the program. Living in a context where students live, work, study and adventure together with trained staff who are eager to integrate Scripture into every moment of life creates rich opportunities for ongoing conversations about Christ and what it means to follow Him.